DIY and Crafts Blog

Simple ways to upcycling a wedding dress

Simple ways to upcycling a wedding dress

By on May 8, 2019 in Upcycling |

We disburse a lot of money on buying dresses. We use it only one time or twice it will be left un-touch. There are many things to do with an old wedding dress. Wedding clothes will be worn only once and they are thrown away.

Ways how they can be reused:

Blanket- It can be used as a blanket for babies. Some embellishments can also be added to it to show it more attractive. This type of cloth will make the baby feel more comfortable and secured. This also looks decorative when taken out.

Pillows- IT can be used as a pillow cover. Some of them can be made with the quilt. This looks fancy and it will give more comfort when being napped on it. Some can be showcased in hotels.

Bags- Wedding gowns can be made as like bags and they show you more unique and modern. Many will try to know what cloth it is made. This will help you to bring out an excellent method of wedding gown.

Jewelry- A small piece of your gown can help to make pendants to upcycle a wedding dress this can be done. This can be made into any designs like flowers, dolls, etc. They can be hanged around the neck and go for parties it looks royal.

ghost costumeGhost costume – In spite of torn gowns, you can use it for any dramas in which you should dress up like a ghost. If you think it canโ€™t be worn you can tear it into a ghost getup and wear it.

AccessoriesTo repurpose wedding dress beads or any other buttons on the gown can be used as an ornament. They can be used as earring, pendant, bangle, etc., They show you more glowingly and make you fit your costume.

Skirt- With those old gowns at the bottom and top that can be cut and made as short or long skirts which make the person looks gorgeous.

Albums- The sides of the gown can be used as the framework of albums. They show the album more decorative and unique. On account of making wedding gowns stick to the album, they make those moments more memorable.

Scarf- They is made to be as the scarf which can be tied around your head. This makes you feel soft and compact. The color of it makes you get protected from sunlight.

Old wedding dress crafts give many benefits that donโ€™t make you spoil any dress. Things which are kept without using must be used for some valuable purposes.